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Le guide ultime du palais mental (05 étapes pour le créer et le mettre en application dés aujourd’hui)

La méthode du palais mental (Loci) est de loin l’une des méthodes les plus célèbres et les plus utilisées quand il s’agit de technique de mémorisation,

Dans cet article je vais vous montrer les 05 étapes pour créer votre premier palais et le mettre en application dès aujourd’hui

Mais avant d’entrer dans les détails expliquant avant le principe de la méthode

1Le principe de la méthode du palais mental

Le principe de base est de transformer des objets ou endroits que vous connaissez très bien en objet de stockage

Qu’est-ce qu’un objet de stockage ?

Pratiquement toutes les méthodes de mémorisation que je détaille dans ce blog se basent sur ce principe

Convertir une information en une image pour mieux la mémoriser


Votre langue est composée de huit muscles entrelacés

Cette information sera maintenant convertie en image


On imagine une langue entrain de lécher le chiffre 08

L’information convertie en images sera placée dans un endroit.

Cet endroit est ce que j’appelle un objet de stockage.

Pourquoi avons-nous besoin d’un objet de stockage ?

Imaginez que vous ayez 100 images comme celles ci-dessus représentant 100 informations sur le corps humain

Il est impossible de toutes les garder en mémoire si on ne trouve pas un moyen pour les stocker,

C’est tout le principe de la méthode du palais

La méthode du palais vous permet d’identifier facilement des objets où stocker vos images

2- Identifier les objets de stockage dans son palais mental

Maintenant que vous avez compris le principe de la méthode du palais,

On va voir les étapes pour créer son premier palais mental

Etape 01 : Identifier son palais

Plusieurs endroits peuvent être utilisés comme palais mental

Mais pour débuter le meilleur palais à utiliser sera Votre maison

Nous allons ainsi utiliser votre maison pour identifier des objets de stockages

Etape 02 : Identifier le début et la fin de son palais

Imaginant que ceci représente votre maison vue d’en haut

Ce que vous allez faire c’est choisir un endroit de départ et un endroit de fin de votre palais.

Endroit de départ

Le plus simple est d’utiliser la porte d’entrée de votre maison comme endroit de départ.

C’est par là que commencera votre palais



La porte d’entrée sera aussi votre premier objet de stockage

Endroit de fin du palais

L’endroit de fin de votre palais sera le dernier objet de stockage que vous allez utiliser

Là aussi le plus simple est d’utiliser l’objet le plus éloigné de la porte d’entrée

Dans l’exemple ici ça sera l’armoire au fond


Etape 03 : Choisir les objets de stockage

L’étape suivante est de vous imaginer vous balader dans votre maison en partant de la porte et arrivant jusqu’au dernier objet

La raison pour laquelle nous avions choisi un endroit de départ et de fin

C’est pour identifier le meilleur moyen de parcourir votre palais

En vous imaginant traverser votre maison, vous allez identifier des objets à utiliser

Dans cet exemple j’ai réussi à identifier 20 objets de stockage



N’utilisez pas de palais virtuel comme dans l’image, il faut utiliser votre propre maison pour identifier les objets.

Les objets choisis seront classés selon un ordre bien précis

La porte est le premier objet de stockage

Les autres seront numérotés suivant votre parcours de la porte au dernier objet de stockage

Etape 04 : Mémoriser la structure de votre palais

Ce qui rebute le plus dans la méthode du palais c’est qu’il faut mémoriser le palais créé

On voit cette étape comme une corvée supplémentaire qui s’ajoute à notre travail


Bien que ça puisse prendre un peu de temps pour créer et mémoriser votre palais mental

C’est un investissement qui vous servira pendant le reste de votre vie

J’ai personnellement créé mon premier palais mental en 2012, et je l’utilise encore à ce jour pour y stocker des informations

Créer et mémoriser un palais mental n’est jamais une perte de temps,

Au pire vous aurez toujours des objets libres où stocker de nouvelles informations

Comment mémoriser son palais mental ?

Il y a deux méthodes toutes simples pour mémoriser votre palais rapidement



1- Ecrire

En identifiant vos objets de stockage il est important de les écrire en même temps

Ceci permet à la fois de mieux les structurer et plus important encore de les mémoriser

Vous aurez toujours un papier au quel revenir en cas d’oubli

Par exemple en partant du palais virtuel

1- La porte d’entrée

2- Douche




6- Chaise


2- Utiliser

L’un des moyens les plus rapides que j’ai trouvés pour mémoriser un palais est de l’utiliser après l’avoir créé

L’utiliser signifie simplement que vous allez y placer des informations


Il est plus facile d’imaginer une langue qui lèche un gigantesque 08 devant votre porte d’entrée que d’imaginer simplement une porte

Quand vous utilisez votre palais vous mémorisez plus facilement les objets de stockage parce que vous les liez à des animations étranges et mémorables

05 Points importants à respecter pour la création du palais mental

Il y a certains points essentiels à prendre en considération quand vous cherchez à créer votre palais mental

01-Quels types d’objets choisir pour mon palais ?

Commencez par utiliser principalement les gros objets faciles à visualiser

La porte

La machine à laver

La télévision

La table

Eviter les objets trop petits pour être bien visualisés

Un interrupteur

Une brosse à dent

Des clés

Une cuillère

02-Combien d’objets choisir par chambre ?

Le mieux est de choisir le même nombre d’objets par chambre

Cela permet une meilleure organisation des informations mémorisées,

Si c’est votre premier palais commencez par 05 objets

Vous pourrez augmenter le nombre d’objets dans chaque chambre par la suite

03-Est-il possible d’utiliser un même objet plusieurs fois ?

Par exemple votre maison ne contient probablement pas qu’une seule chaise

Est-il possible d’utiliser toutes les chaises de votre maison comme objet de stockage ?

Ou cela va-t-il porter à la confusion ?

La réponse à cette question est

Cela dépend de l’emplacement de l’objet

Prenant l’exemple d’une table à manger


Bien qu’elle contienne 05 chaises, il est préférable d’en utiliser qu’une seule ou grand max 2 comme objet de stockage

Ici les objets (chaises) sont à la fois très similaires et très proches, ce qui rend difficile leur visualisation.

Si je devais choisir des objets de stockage en partant de cette table à manger, voilà comment je vais procéder

Je choisis la chaise de gauche, la table, et la chaise de droite.

Par contre contrairement aux chaises, chaque porte de ma maison est utilisée comme objet de stockage

Parce que

Chaque porte est dans un endroit différent et éloigné des autres, leur visualisation est donc plus simple

Utilisez toujours ce principe lors du choix de vos objets de stockage

04-Combien est-il possible d’identifier d’objets de stockage dans un palais ?

Il n’y a pas vraiment de nombre précis à respecter, mais sachez que

Plus votre palais contient d’objets de stockage plus vous pourrez y mettre plus d’informations

Votre objectif serait de pouvoir identifier de 50 à 100 objets dans votre maison

Par exemple dans ma maison j’ai réussi à identifier 120 objets de stockage

En pratique cela me permet de mémoriser un minimum de 120 informations


Bien sûr en utilisant les autres techniques le nombre d’informations qu’on peut mémoriser sera doublé ou triplé

05-De combien de palais j’aurais besoin ?

Là aussi il n’y a pas de réponse exacte

Cela dit plus vous aurez de palais disponible plus vous pourrez mémoriser d’informations rapidement

Mais si je devais recommander un chiffre je dirais au minium 03 palais avec une centaine d’objets de stockage chacun

Pour ma part ces 03 palais sont

Ma maison

La maison de mon oncle

La maison de mon ami


Bien que cet article soit long, je n’ai qu’effleuré la puissance de cette méthode,

Et je vais évidemment vous parler des autres aspects de son application dans de prochains articles

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892 réponses

  1. Carlosecoxy dit :

    Im Moment gibt es viel Hype um verschiedene Kryptowahrungen, aber UTLH sticht wirklich heraus. Es ist nicht nur eine „Meme-Munze“, sondern ein vollwertiger Sicherheiten-Token mit echter Wirtschaftlichkeit. Ich habe in Staking investiert und erhalte stabile 2 % im Monat – versuche mal, eine Bank zu finden, die solche Bedingungen bietet! ?? Zudem wachst die Community, die Nachfrage nach dem Token steigt, und ich bin sicher, dass er in ein bis zwei Jahren viel mehr wert sein wird. Das Wichtigste ist, dass das Projekt wachst und neue Moglichkeiten fur die Mitglieder des Clubs bietet. Bisher habe ich keine Sekunde bereut, dass ich mich fur UTLH entschieden habe!

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  5. Williamhaw dit :

    About us
    Since its founding in 2020, EtherCode Innovation has demonstrated an outstanding level of expertise in smart contract development on the Ethereum platform. The EtherCode Innovation team brings together experienced developers whose knowledge and skills allow them to create reliable and innovative solutions for their clients
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    We strive to ensure that every person interested in blockchain technologies can gain high-quality knowledge and skills. Our mission is to develop smart contracts that not only improve the functionality of the Ethereum network, but also contribute to the education and development of the developer community.

    Our services
    EtherCode Innovation specializes in creating various smart contracts within Ethereum. We develop innovative solutions for financial instruments, decentralized applications (DApps) and digital asset management systems. Our team has deep knowledge of the Solidity and Vyper programming languages, which allows us to create secure and efficient smart contracts.

    In addition, we provide free educational content for those who want to learn how to create tokens, including Honeypot tokens. Our materials cover all aspects of creating and deploying tokens on Ethereum, from basic concepts to complex technical details.

    Our contribution to the community
    We believe that education plays a key role in the development of the blockchain community. Therefore, we actively participate in various educational and communication initiatives. We also support various educational projects aimed at spreading knowledge about blockchain.

    Development prospects
    We are confident that blockchain technology will continue to transform the world, and we are committed to staying at the center of this process. Our team will continue to create innovative products, develop educational resources, and actively participate in the development of the Ethereum developer community.

    Finally, it is worth noting that EtherCode Innovation is committed to continuous development and innovation. The team is constantly researching new technologies and development methods to provide its clients with the most advanced solutions. Thanks to this approach, the company remains ahead of its time and continues to be in demand in the field of blockchain development.

    EtherCode Innovation is not just a company developing smart contracts on Ethereum. We are leaders in blockchain technology and education, and we invite you to join us on this exciting journey into the world of decentralization and innovation.

  6. WilliamObels dit :

    These apes can tell when humans don’t know something, study finds
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    Some great apes realize when a human partner doesn’t know something and are capable of communicating information to them to change their behavior, a new study shows.

    Researchers from Johns Hopkins University studying bonobos found that they would point to where treats were hidden if they could see their human partner didn’t know where they were, according to a statement from the university, published Monday.

    Working with three male bonobos, study co-author Luke Townrow, a Johns Hopkins PhD student, would sit across a table from one of the animals as another person placed a treat under one of three cups.
    In some cases, Townrow would be allowed to see which cup the treat was under, and the bonobo would wait for him to pass it the food.

    At other times, he would not be able to see where the treat was, and the bonobo would point to the right cup to help him find the food.

    The “seemingly simple experiment that demonstrated for the first time that apes will communicate unknown information in the name of teamwork,” the statement reads.

    And study co-author Chris Krupenye, a Johns Hopkins assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences, told CNN that the study “is one of the clearest pieces of evidence that a non-human primate understands when someone else is ignorant.”

    This ability to intuit gaps in others’ knowledge is known as theory of mind.

    “As humans we have theory of mind, the ability to think about others’ perspectives,” Krupenye told CNN on Tuesday.

  7. Anthonywhiff dit :

    From fiery festivals to nature’s most dazzling “sky-dance”, interest in the night skies is booming, with “noctourism” poised to be a major travel trend in 2025.
    kra23 at
    Interest in the night skies is booming. recently named “noctourism” as a top travel trend for 2025, with their survey of more than 27,000 travellers finding that around two-thirds have considered going to “darker sky destinations” to experience things like starbathing (lying down and looking at the night skies) and witnessing once-in-a-lifetime cosmic events.
    “The cool thing about night adventures is you see so many different sides to a destination, by just staying up late or rising early,” says Stephanie Vermillon, author of the new book 100 Nights Of A Lifetime: The World’s Ultimate Adventures After Dark. “Our senses are heightened, and there are things you see at night that you don’t see any other time, so everything feels exciting and new.”
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    It was a 2010 trip to Morocco that sparked Vermillon’s interest in all things nocturnal. “I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, which has terrible light pollution,” she tells the BBC. “Then I went to the Sahara Desert and camped under the stars – I saw the Milky Way and two dozen shooting stars that night. I went home, took an astronomy class and later started hunting Northern Lights, which got me curious about what else happens around the world after dark.”

    Vermillon believes that major events such as the April 2024 total solar eclipse or the 2024-2025 peak in aurora activity has led to a “bump” in the number of people wanting to experience dark skies. There are also now more than 200 Dark Sky Reserves across the globe. “The great thing about the night sky is the perspective it gives you – it’s humbling and grounding,” she says. “You can experience pure awe.”

    Starry skies and aurora borealis might be the headline acts, but there’s plenty more to do after dark in cities or out in nature. “You see a city so differently at night,” Vermillon says. “I think of it as a city letting its hair down – it’s more relaxed. I’ve also done night safaris, where it’s more about listening than just seeing, and I’ve seen water sparkling with bioluminescence, which looks like magic. Everything at night has a little extra sparkle.”

    Here are five of Vermillon’s favourite after-dark experiences, from fiery cultural festivals to nature’s greatest sky dance.
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  8. Jameshom dit :

    From fiery festivals to nature’s most dazzling “sky-dance”, interest in the night skies is booming, with “noctourism” poised to be a major travel trend in 2025.
    Interest in the night skies is booming. recently named “noctourism” as a top travel trend for 2025, with their survey of more than 27,000 travellers finding that around two-thirds have considered going to “darker sky destinations” to experience things like starbathing (lying down and looking at the night skies) and witnessing once-in-a-lifetime cosmic events.
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    “The cool thing about night adventures is you see so many different sides to a destination, by just staying up late or rising early,” says Stephanie Vermillon, author of the new book 100 Nights Of A Lifetime: The World’s Ultimate Adventures After Dark. “Our senses are heightened, and there are things you see at night that you don’t see any other time, so everything feels exciting and new.”
    It was a 2010 trip to Morocco that sparked Vermillon’s interest in all things nocturnal. “I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, which has terrible light pollution,” she tells the BBC. “Then I went to the Sahara Desert and camped under the stars – I saw the Milky Way and two dozen shooting stars that night. I went home, took an astronomy class and later started hunting Northern Lights, which got me curious about what else happens around the world after dark.”

    Vermillon believes that major events such as the April 2024 total solar eclipse or the 2024-2025 peak in aurora activity has led to a “bump” in the number of people wanting to experience dark skies. There are also now more than 200 Dark Sky Reserves across the globe. “The great thing about the night sky is the perspective it gives you – it’s humbling and grounding,” she says. “You can experience pure awe.”

    Starry skies and aurora borealis might be the headline acts, but there’s plenty more to do after dark in cities or out in nature. “You see a city so differently at night,” Vermillon says. “I think of it as a city letting its hair down – it’s more relaxed. I’ve also done night safaris, where it’s more about listening than just seeing, and I’ve seen water sparkling with bioluminescence, which looks like magic. Everything at night has a little extra sparkle.”

    Here are five of Vermillon’s favourite after-dark experiences, from fiery cultural festivals to nature’s greatest sky dance.
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  9. Rolandheimi dit :

    From fiery festivals to nature’s most dazzling “sky-dance”, interest in the night skies is booming, with “noctourism” poised to be a major travel trend in 2025.
    Interest in the night skies is booming. recently named “noctourism” as a top travel trend for 2025, with their survey of more than 27,000 travellers finding that around two-thirds have considered going to “darker sky destinations” to experience things like starbathing (lying down and looking at the night skies) and witnessing once-in-a-lifetime cosmic events.
    “The cool thing about night adventures is you see so many different sides to a destination, by just staying up late or rising early,” says Stephanie Vermillon, author of the new book 100 Nights Of A Lifetime: The World’s Ultimate Adventures After Dark. “Our senses are heightened, and there are things you see at night that you don’t see any other time, so everything feels exciting and new.”
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    It was a 2010 trip to Morocco that sparked Vermillon’s interest in all things nocturnal. “I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, which has terrible light pollution,” she tells the BBC. “Then I went to the Sahara Desert and camped under the stars – I saw the Milky Way and two dozen shooting stars that night. I went home, took an astronomy class and later started hunting Northern Lights, which got me curious about what else happens around the world after dark.”

    Vermillon believes that major events such as the April 2024 total solar eclipse or the 2024-2025 peak in aurora activity has led to a “bump” in the number of people wanting to experience dark skies. There are also now more than 200 Dark Sky Reserves across the globe. “The great thing about the night sky is the perspective it gives you – it’s humbling and grounding,” she says. “You can experience pure awe.”

    Starry skies and aurora borealis might be the headline acts, but there’s plenty more to do after dark in cities or out in nature. “You see a city so differently at night,” Vermillon says. “I think of it as a city letting its hair down – it’s more relaxed. I’ve also done night safaris, where it’s more about listening than just seeing, and I’ve seen water sparkling with bioluminescence, which looks like magic. Everything at night has a little extra sparkle.”

    Here are five of Vermillon’s favourite after-dark experiences, from fiery cultural festivals to nature’s greatest sky dance.

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  10. Robertkex dit :

    From fiery festivals to nature’s most dazzling “sky-dance”, interest in the night skies is booming, with “noctourism” poised to be a major travel trend in 2025.
    Interest in the night skies is booming. recently named “noctourism” as a top travel trend for 2025, with their survey of more than 27,000 travellers finding that around two-thirds have considered going to “darker sky destinations” to experience things like starbathing (lying down and looking at the night skies) and witnessing once-in-a-lifetime cosmic events.
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    “The cool thing about night adventures is you see so many different sides to a destination, by just staying up late or rising early,” says Stephanie Vermillon, author of the new book 100 Nights Of A Lifetime: The World’s Ultimate Adventures After Dark. “Our senses are heightened, and there are things you see at night that you don’t see any other time, so everything feels exciting and new.”
    It was a 2010 trip to Morocco that sparked Vermillon’s interest in all things nocturnal. “I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, which has terrible light pollution,” she tells the BBC. “Then I went to the Sahara Desert and camped under the stars – I saw the Milky Way and two dozen shooting stars that night. I went home, took an astronomy class and later started hunting Northern Lights, which got me curious about what else happens around the world after dark.”

    Vermillon believes that major events such as the April 2024 total solar eclipse or the 2024-2025 peak in aurora activity has led to a “bump” in the number of people wanting to experience dark skies. There are also now more than 200 Dark Sky Reserves across the globe. “The great thing about the night sky is the perspective it gives you – it’s humbling and grounding,” she says. “You can experience pure awe.”

    Starry skies and aurora borealis might be the headline acts, but there’s plenty more to do after dark in cities or out in nature. “You see a city so differently at night,” Vermillon says. “I think of it as a city letting its hair down – it’s more relaxed. I’ve also done night safaris, where it’s more about listening than just seeing, and I’ve seen water sparkling with bioluminescence, which looks like magic. Everything at night has a little extra sparkle.”

    Here are five of Vermillon’s favourite after-dark experiences, from fiery cultural festivals to nature’s greatest sky dance.

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  11. Phillipser dit :


    Opposite a bed in central London, light filters through a stained-glass window depicting, in fragments of copper and blue, Jesus Christ.
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    Three people have lived in the deserted cathedral in the past two years, with each occupant — an electrician, a sound engineer and a journalist — paying a monthly fee to live in the priest’s quarters.
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    The cathedral is managed by Live-in Guardians, a company finding occupants for disused properties, including schools, libraries and pubs, across Britain. The residents — so-called property guardians — pay a fixed monthly “license fee,” which is usually much lower than the typical rent in the same area.
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    Applications to become guardians are going “through the roof,” with more people in their late thirties and forties signing on than in the past, said Arthur Duke, the founder and managing director of Live-in Guardians.
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    “That’s been brought about by the cost-of-living crisis,” he said. “People are looking for cheaper ways to live.”


  12. WallaceNuh dit :


    Opposite a bed in central London, light filters through a stained-glass window depicting, in fragments of copper and blue, Jesus Christ.
    Three people have lived in the deserted cathedral in the past two years, with each occupant — an electrician, a sound engineer and a journalist — paying a monthly fee to live in the priest’s quarters.
    The cathedral is managed by Live-in Guardians, a company finding occupants for disused properties, including schools, libraries and pubs, across Britain. The residents — so-called property guardians — pay a fixed monthly “license fee,” which is usually much lower than the typical rent in the same area.
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    Applications to become guardians are going “through the roof,” with more people in their late thirties and forties signing on than in the past, said Arthur Duke, the founder and managing director of Live-in Guardians.
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    “That’s been brought about by the cost-of-living crisis,” he said. “People are looking for cheaper ways to live.”


  13. Ronaldthuck dit :

    Mexico’s President Claudia Sheinbaum, US President Donald Trump and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Getty Images

    President Donald Trump announced that he’s pausing tariffs on Mexico and Canada after speaking to leaders of both countries on Monday — just hours before the sweeping actions were set to go into effect.
    kra28 at
    The proposed tariffs, which Trump announced Saturday, consisted of a 25% duty on all imports from Mexico and most from Canada (there was a carve-out for a 10% tariff on energy products), and a new 10% tariff on Chinese goods. Trump said earlier Monday that he’d be speaking with China soon.
    kra28 cc
    Trump paused the tariffs on America’s neighbors after Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made commitments, some of which they’d already made, to bolster security at their respective borders with the United States.
    “I just spoke with President Claudia Sheinbaum of Mexico. It was a very friendly conversation wherein she agreed to immediately supply 10,000 Mexican Soldiers on the Border separating Mexico and the United States,” Trump wrote on Truth Social earlier Monday.

    “These soldiers will be specifically designated to stop the flow of fentanyl, and illegal migrants into our country,” he wrote.

    He took to Truth Social with a similar announcement later in the day, after Trudeau first announced the 30-day pause.

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  14. Philipsheen dit :

    Secretary of State Marco Rubio appeared to escalate the Trump administration’s confrontation with Panama on Sunday, telling its leader that President Trump had determined that Chinese “influence and control” over the Panama Canal threatens the waterway and demanding “immediate changes,” according to the State Department.
    Panama’s president, Jose Raul Mulino, provided a different account of the discussion, saying after the meeting that he did not believe Mr. Rubio had conveyed a threat that Mr. Trump might move to reclaim the American-built shipping route. He said he saw little risk of such an intervention.
    But President Trump, speaking to reporters at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland about the canal on Sunday, said that “we’re going to take it back, or something very powerful is going to happen.”
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    The State Department’s summary of the meeting in Panama City, Mr. Rubio’s first with a foreign leader since becoming secretary of state, struck a tone that was sometimes aggressive. It said Mr. Rubio had told his host that Mr. Trump had made a “preliminary determination” that China’s government exercised control over the canal.

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  16. Travisder dit :

    Former US President Joe Biden, a self-professed Catholic, has joined an African-American Masonic lodge as a ‘Master Mason’. The Vatican takes a dim view of Freemasonry, and Catholics who join the fraternal order face excommunication.
    Biden was inducted into the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge in South Carolina on Sunday, one day before he left office. In a private ceremony, the lodge’s grand master, Victor C. Major, granted Biden “Master Mason membership with full honors,” according to a statement published by the organization last weekend that circulated online on Friday.
    ”To be a Freemason is to be part of a brotherhood dedicated to personal growth, service to others, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth,” the lodge wrote. Biden’s service, the statement added, “reflects the core values” of this brotherhood.
    kra27 cc

  17. EugeneLon dit :

    Secretary of State Marco Rubio appeared to escalate the Trump administration’s confrontation with Panama on Sunday, telling its leader that President Trump had determined that Chinese “influence and control” over the Panama Canal threatens the waterway and demanding “immediate changes,” according to the State Department.
    kra30 at
    Panama’s president, Jose Raul Mulino, provided a different account of the discussion, saying after the meeting that he did not believe Mr. Rubio had conveyed a threat that Mr. Trump might move to reclaim the American-built shipping route. He said he saw little risk of such an intervention.
    kra23 cc
    But President Trump, speaking to reporters at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland about the canal on Sunday, said that “we’re going to take it back, or something very powerful is going to happen.”
    kra30 cc
    The State Department’s summary of the meeting in Panama City, Mr. Rubio’s first with a foreign leader since becoming secretary of state, struck a tone that was sometimes aggressive. It said Mr. Rubio had told his host that Mr. Trump had made a “preliminary determination” that China’s government exercised control over the canal.

  18. Rodolfoosciz dit :

    Secretary of State Marco Rubio appeared to escalate the Trump administration’s confrontation with Panama on Sunday, telling its leader that President Trump had determined that Chinese “influence and control” over the Panama Canal threatens the waterway and demanding “immediate changes,” according to the State Department.
    Panama’s president, Jose Raul Mulino, provided a different account of the discussion, saying after the meeting that he did not believe Mr. Rubio had conveyed a threat that Mr. Trump might move to reclaim the American-built shipping route. He said he saw little risk of such an intervention.
    kra25 cc
    But President Trump, speaking to reporters at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland about the canal on Sunday, said that “we’re going to take it back, or something very powerful is going to happen.”
    kra21 at
    The State Department’s summary of the meeting in Panama City, Mr. Rubio’s first with a foreign leader since becoming secretary of state, struck a tone that was sometimes aggressive. It said Mr. Rubio had told his host that Mr. Trump had made a “preliminary determination” that China’s government exercised control over the canal.

    kra22 cc

  19. StevenSaino dit :

    Secretary of State Marco Rubio appeared to escalate the Trump administration’s confrontation with Panama on Sunday, telling its leader that President Trump had determined that Chinese “influence and control” over the Panama Canal threatens the waterway and demanding “immediate changes,” according to the State Department.
    Panama’s president, Jose Raul Mulino, provided a different account of the discussion, saying after the meeting that he did not believe Mr. Rubio had conveyed a threat that Mr. Trump might move to reclaim the American-built shipping route. He said he saw little risk of such an intervention.
    But President Trump, speaking to reporters at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland about the canal on Sunday, said that “we’re going to take it back, or something very powerful is going to happen.”
    kra30 cc
    The State Department’s summary of the meeting in Panama City, Mr. Rubio’s first with a foreign leader since becoming secretary of state, struck a tone that was sometimes aggressive. It said Mr. Rubio had told his host that Mr. Trump had made a “preliminary determination” that China’s government exercised control over the canal.

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